How To Contact And Communicate With College Lacrosse Coaches

How To Contact And Communicate With College Lacrosse CoachesHow To Contact And Communicate With College Lacrosse Coaches

Reaching out to college lacrosse coaches is a major step for any aspiring student-athlete looking to play at the collegiate level. Effective communication can significantly increase your chances of being noticed and recruited by top programs. Additionally, we’ll walk you through the essential steps on how to contact and communicate with college lacrosse coaches, ensuring that you present yourself as a strong candidate both on and off the field.

College lacrosse recruitment is highly competitive, and making a positive impression on coaches can set you apart from other players. By following the strategies outlined in this article, you’ll learn how to research potential colleges, craft compelling emails, maintain professional communication, and avoid common mistakes. Whether you’re just starting your recruitment journey or looking to refine your approach, our tips and best practices will help you effectively connect with college lacrosse coaches and advance your athletic career.

By implementing these strategies, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the college recruitment process and make a lasting impression on the coaches you contact.

Researching Potential Colleges And Lacrosse Coaches

Before reaching out to college lacrosse coaches, it’s crucial to conduct thorough research to identify the programs and coaches that align with your athletic and academic goals. This step not only helps you target the right schools but also allows you to personalize your communications, increasing your chances of making a positive impression.

Identifying Target Colleges and Lacrosse Programs

Start by creating a list of potential colleges that match your criteria, such as academic programs, location, campus size, and athletic level. Consider whether you want to play for a Division I, II, or III school, as each division offers different levels of competition and commitment. Use online resources like college search engines, lacrosse forums, and recruitment websites to gather information.

How to Gather Information About Coaches and Programs

Once you have a list of target colleges, the next step is to gather detailed information about their lacrosse programs and coaching staff. Visit the athletic department’s website for each college to find profiles of the head coach and assistant coaches, team rosters, recent game results, and program achievements. Pay attention to the coach’s career history, coaching philosophy, and any notable accomplishments.

Utilizing Online Resources and Social Media

Leverage online resources and social media platforms to deepen your research. Websites like Inside Lacrosse, and provide valuable insights into college lacrosse programs and their performance. Follow the official social media accounts of the lacrosse teams and coaches to stay updated on team news, player highlights, and upcoming events. Engaging with these platforms can also give you a sense of the team’s culture and values.

Creating a Research Spreadsheet

Organize your findings in a research spreadsheet to keep track of important details. Include columns for college names, coach contact information, program highlights, academic requirements, and any personal notes. This spreadsheet will serve as a valuable reference as you begin reaching out to coaches and will help you tailor your communications effectively.

Tailoring Your Approach

With your research in hand, you’re now ready to tailor your approach to each college and coach. Personalizing your emails and communications based on the specific information you’ve gathered demonstrates your genuine interest and dedication. Mention specific aspects of the program or coach’s achievements that resonate with you, and explain why you believe you would be a great fit for their team.

By investing time in researching potential colleges and coaches, you’ll be better prepared to make informed decisions and establish meaningful connections. This proactive approach not only increases your chances of being recruited but also ensures that you find a college and lacrosse program that align with your personal and athletic aspirations.

Preparing Your Athletic And Academic Resume

Creating a compelling athletic and academic resume is essential for standing out to college lacrosse coaches. This document serves as your introduction and showcases your qualifications, achievements, and potential as a student-athlete. Here’s how to craft a resume that will catch the eye of college coaches and enhance your recruitment prospects.

Key Elements to Include in Your Athletic Resume

Personal Information

Start with your basic information at the top of your resume. Include your name, contact information (phone number and email address), home address, and a professional-looking photo. Also, mention your high school name, graduation year, and current GPA.

Athletic Statistics and Achievements

Highlight your lacrosse-specific achievements and stats. Include:

  • Position(s) Played: Specify your primary and secondary positions.
  • Physical Stats: Height, weight, dominant hand, and relevant physical attributes.
  • Performance Stats: Goals, assists, ground balls, face-off percentages, saves (for goalies), etc.
  • Achievements: Awards, honors, and recognitions such as All-State, All-Conference, or MVP.
  • Team Participation: High school team, club team, and any travel or showcase teams.
  • Events Attended: Notable camps, tournaments, and showcases you’ve participated in over the years.

Academic Achievements and Extracurricular Activities

College coaches are interested in well-rounded student-athletes who excel both on and off the field. Include:

  • GPA and Class Rank: Highlight your academic performance.
  • Standardized Test Scores: SAT, ACT, or other relevant test scores.
  • Honors and Awards: Academic honors, scholarships, and special recognitions.
  • Extracurricular Activities: Leadership roles, community service, clubs, and other interests that demonstrate your character and commitment.

Creating a Professional and Polished Resume

Formatting Tips

Your resume should be clear, concise, and easy to read. Use a clean, professional layout with consistent formatting. Utilize bullet points for easy scanning and keep sections well-organized.

Adding a Personal Statement

Consider including a brief personal statement at the top of your resume. This statement should reflect your passion for lacrosse, your academic goals, and why you’re interested in playing at the collegiate level.

Including a Highlight Video

A link to your highlight video is a crucial addition to your resume. Choose a well-edited video that showcases your best plays, skills, and athleticism. Include the video link prominently in your resume and make sure it’s easily accessible.

Proofreading and Feedback

Before sending out your resume, thoroughly proofread it to eliminate any errors or typos. Ask a coach, mentor, or trusted advisor to review your resume and provide feedback. Ensuring your resume is polished and professional will leave a positive impression on college coaches.

Tailoring Your Resume for Each College

Customize your resume for each college you contact. Tailor the content to align with the specific program and coach’s preferences, emphasizing aspects of your background that are particularly relevant. This personalized touch shows your genuine interest and dedication.

By preparing a comprehensive and professional athletic and academic resume, you’ll provide college lacrosse coaches with a clear and compelling overview of your qualifications. This step is crucial in making a strong first impression and advancing your recruitment journey.

Crafting An Effective Email To College Lacrosse Coaches

Crafting An Effective Email To College Lacrosse Coaches

Reaching out to college lacrosse coaches via email is a critical step in the recruitment process. An effective email can make a significant impact and increase your chances of getting noticed. Here’s how to craft a compelling email that grabs the coach’s attention and sets you apart from other recruits.

Structuring Your Initial Email for Maximum Impact

Subject Line

Your subject line should be clear and to the point, making it easy for the coach to understand the purpose of your email. A good example could be: “Prospective Lacrosse Player: [Your Name], [Graduation Year], [Position]”. This immediately informs the coach of your intent and key details.

Greeting and Introduction

Address the coach by their last name (e.g., “Dear Coach Smith,”) to show respect and professionalism. Start with a brief introduction that includes your name, high school, graduation year, and the position you play.

Expressing Genuine Interest

Clearly state why you are interested in their program. Mention specific aspects of the college or lacrosse team that appeal to you. Personalizing this section shows that you’ve done your research and are genuinely interested in their program.

Including Essential Information

Athletic and Academic Highlights

Provide a concise overview of your athletic and academic achievements. Include key stats, awards, and honors that make you stand out as a lacrosse player and student. Highlighting your GPA and any notable academic accomplishments will also demonstrate your commitment to both athletics and academics.

Video Highlights and Recruiting Profile

Include a link to your highlight video and online recruiting profile. Ensure the video is well-edited, showcasing your best plays and skills. Providing this link makes it easy for coaches to evaluate your abilities.

Contact Information

Make sure to include your contact information, including your phone number and email address. Also, provide contact details for your high school or club coach, as college coaches may want to reach out to them for more information.

Personalizing Your Message to Each Coach

Avoid sending generic emails. Tailor your message to each coach and program by mentioning specific details about the team, recent achievements, or aspects of their coaching philosophy that resonate with you. Personalization shows that you are genuinely interested in their program and not just sending out mass emails.

Proofreading and Professionalism

Before hitting send, thoroughly proofread your email to eliminate any spelling or grammatical errors. A polished, error-free email reflects well on your attention to detail and professionalism. Consider having a mentor, coach, or trusted advisor review your email for feedback.

Sample Email Template

Here’s a sample email template to help you get started:

Subject: Prospective Lacrosse Player: John Doe, 2025, Midfielder

Dear Coach Smith,

My name is John Doe, and I am a junior at XYZ High School, graduating in 2025. I play as a midfielder for my high school team and the ABC Lacrosse Club. I am very interested in your lacrosse program at [College Name] because of your team’s recent success and the strong emphasis on player development.

In the past season, I was honored to be named All-Conference and led my team with 30 goals and 20 assists. Academically, I have a 3.8 GPA and have scored 1300 on the SAT. Attached is my athletic resume, and here is a link to my highlight video: [Highlight Video Link].

I would love to learn more about your program and discuss how I could contribute to your team. Please find my contact information below, and feel free to reach out to my high school coach, Coach Johnson, at [Coach’s Email and Phone Number].

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to the possibility of contributing to your team.

Best regards,

John Doe
(123) 456-7890

By crafting a well-structured and personalized email, you can make a strong first impression on college lacrosse coaches and enhance your recruitment prospects. This proactive approach demonstrates your commitment and readiness to compete at the collegiate level.

Follow-Up And Maintaining Communication

Effective follow-up and consistent communication are important elements in the college lacrosse recruitment process. After your initial email to a coach, keeping the lines of communication open demonstrates your genuine interest and commitment to their program. Here’s how to follow up and maintain professional communication with college lacrosse coaches.

Strategies for Following Up After Your Initial Contact

Timing Your Follow-Up

Wait about one to two weeks after sending your initial email before following up. This gives the coach ample time to review your information and respond. If you don’t hear back within this period, send a polite follow-up email.

Crafting Your Follow-Up Email

Your follow-up email should be concise and respectful. Reintroduce yourself and mention your initial email. Express your continued interest in the program and inquire if the coach had a chance to review your previous email and highlight video.

Here’s a template to guide you:

Subject: Follow-Up: Prospective Lacrosse Player, John Doe

Dear Coach Smith,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to follow up on my previous email sent on [date]. My name is John Doe, a junior at XYZ High School, and I am very interested in your lacrosse program at [College Name].

I wanted to confirm if you had an opportunity to review my initial email and highlight video: [Highlight Video Link]. I remain enthusiastic about the possibility of joining your team and would love to discuss how I could contribute to your program.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

John Doe
(123) 456-7890

Keeping the Conversation Going

Providing Updates

Regularly update the coach on your progress and any new achievements. This could include notable game performances, new highlight videos, academic achievements, or participation in tournaments and showcases. Keeping the coach informed shows your ongoing development and dedication.

Asking Questions

Engage with the coach by asking thoughtful questions about their program, the team’s goals, and what they look for in recruits. This shows your genuine interest and helps you gather valuable information to make an informed decision.

Utilizing Different Communication Channels

While email is the primary mode of communication, don’t hesitate to use other channels when appropriate. Follow the team and coach on social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to stay updated and engage with their content. If a coach provides their phone number, a well-timed phone call can also be effective.

Ensuring Consistency and Professionalism

Staying Organized

Keep track of your communications with each coach using a spreadsheet or a dedicated recruitment app. Note the dates of your emails, follow-ups, and any responses. This organization helps you maintain timely and relevant communication.

Maintaining a Professional Tone

Always use a professional tone in your emails, phone calls, and social media interactions. Avoid using slang or casual language, and make sure all your communications are free of typos and grammatical errors.

Persistence Pays Off

Remember, persistence is key in the recruitment process. Coaches receive numerous emails daily, so staying on their radar through consistent and respectful follow-up is essential. Demonstrating your dedication and proactive approach will help you stand out as a serious candidate.

By following up and maintaining communication effectively, you can build a strong relationship with college lacrosse coaches and keep your recruitment journey on track. This diligent approach shows your commitment and increases your chances of securing a spot on the team.

Preparing For Phone Calls And Campus Visits With College Coaches

Engaging with college lacrosse coaches through phone calls and campus visits is a crucial part of the recruitment process. These interactions offer a chance to showcase your personality, commitment, and fit for the team beyond what can be conveyed in emails. Here’s how to prepare effectively for phone calls and campus visits to make a lasting impression.

Tips for Successful Phone Conversations with Coaches

Scheduling the Call

When a coach suggests a phone call, respond promptly and suggest a few times that work for you. Confirm the details and ensure you’re in a quiet place with good reception at the agreed time.

Research and Preparation

Before the call, research the college and lacrosse program thoroughly. Know the coach’s background, recent team performance, and any significant achievements. Prepare a list of questions about the program, the team culture, and what the coach looks for in recruits.

Practicing Your Responses

Practice talking about your lacrosse and academic achievements, your interest in the program, and your career goals. Be ready to discuss why you’re a good fit for their team. Practicing with a coach, mentor, or family member can help you feel more confident and articulate.

Making a Positive Impression

During the call, be polite, attentive, and enthusiastic. Listen carefully to the coach’s questions and comments, and respond thoughtfully. Avoid interrupting and make sure to ask your prepared questions to show your genuine interest.

Following Up

After the call, send a thank-you email to express your appreciation for the coach’s time and reiterate your interest in the program. Mention specific points from the conversation to reinforce your engagement.

Questions to Ask During Phone Calls and Visits

About the Program

  • What are the team’s goals for the upcoming season?
  • Can you describe the team culture and dynamics?
  • How does the program support athlete development both on and off the field?

About Recruitment and Scholarships

  • What qualities do you look for in recruits?
  • Are there opportunities for scholarships, and what is the process for consideration?
  • What is the timeline for the recruitment process?

About Academics and Campus Life

  • How do athletes balance academics and athletics at your school?
  • What academic support services are available for student-athletes?
  • Can you describe the campus community and student life?

Making a Positive Impression During Campus Visits

Preparing for the Visit

Before your visit, familiarize yourself with the campus layout and schedule. Confirm your itinerary with the coach, including any meetings, practice observations, or tours. Dress appropriately, opting for business casual attire to convey professionalism.

Engaging with the Coaching Staff and Players

Be respectful and enthusiastic when meeting the coaching staff and current players. Ask insightful questions and show genuine interest in their experiences. Observe team practices or games if possible to get a sense of the team’s style and dynamics.

Highlighting Your Fit for the Program

During your visit, communicate why you’re excited about the opportunity to join their program. Share specific reasons why you believe the school and team are a good fit for your athletic and academic goals.

Taking Notes

Take mental or physical notes during your visit to remember key details and impressions. This information will be valuable when making your final decision or when following up with the coach.

Making a Lasting Impression

Post-Visit Follow-Up

After your campus visit, send a personalized thank-you email to the coach and any other staff members you met. Express your gratitude for their time and hospitality, and highlight specific aspects of the visit that reinforced your interest in the program.

Staying Engaged

Maintain regular communication with the coach after your visit. Provide updates on your athletic and academic progress, and continue to express your enthusiasm for their program.

By preparing thoroughly for phone calls and campus visits, you can make a strong and positive impression on college lacrosse coaches.

Common Mistakes To Avoid When Communicating with Coaches

Common Mistakes To Avoid When Communicating with Coaches

While effective communication with college lacrosse coaches is key to standing out in the recruitment process. However, even small missteps can hinder your chances. To ensure you make a positive impression, here are common mistakes to avoid when communicating with coaches.

Overcoming Common Pitfalls in Email Communication

Sending Generic Emails

One of the most frequent mistakes is sending generic emails that lack personalization. Coaches can easily identify mass emails, which can signal a lack of genuine interest. Always personalize your emails by addressing the coach by name, mentioning specific details about their program, and explaining why you are interested in their team.

Being Too Informal

While it’s important to be approachable, overly casual language can come across as unprofessional. Avoid slang, emojis, and abbreviations. Maintain a respectful and professional tone in all your communications. Use proper grammar and punctuation to reflect your seriousness and attention to detail.

Writing Long, Unfocused Emails

Coaches receive numerous emails daily, so brevity is key. Avoid lengthy emails that are hard to read. Stick to concise, relevant information and use bullet points to highlight key achievements and points. A well-structured, focused email is more likely to capture and hold a coach’s attention.

Avoiding Inappropriate or Unprofessional Behavior

Failing to Follow Up

Neglecting to follow up after your initial contact can signal a lack of interest or motivation. If you don’t receive a response within one to two weeks, send a polite follow-up email. This shows your dedication and keeps you on the coach’s radar.

Not Preparing for Phone Calls or Visits

Being unprepared for phone calls or campus visits can leave a negative impression. Research the program thoroughly, prepare questions, and practice discussing your achievements and goals. Show that you are genuinely interested and invested in the opportunity.

Ignoring Feedback or Instructions

If a coach provides specific instructions or feedback, failing to follow through can be a major red flag. Whether it’s sending additional information, following up at a later date, or improving a particular skill, show that you value their input and are willing to put in the effort.

Ensuring Consistency and Accuracy in All Communications

Providing Inaccurate or Incomplete Information

Always double-check your information before sending it to a coach. Inaccuracies in your athletic stats, GPA, or contact details can lead to misunderstandings and hurt your credibility. Make sure all your details are accurate and complete.

Forgetting to Proofread

Typos and grammatical errors can make your communication appear careless. Always proofread your emails, resumes, and any other documents before sending them. Consider having a mentor, coach, or trusted advisor review your communications for additional feedback.

Not Keeping Records of Communications

Failing to keep track of your communications with coaches can lead to confusion and missed opportunities. Maintain a detailed record of your interactions, including dates, topics discussed, and any follow-up actions needed. This helps you stay organized and ensures timely and relevant follow-ups.

Avoiding Excessive Contact

Bombarding Coaches with Emails

While it’s important to stay in touch, excessive emails can be off-putting. Respect the coach’s time and avoid sending too many emails in a short period. Stick to meaningful updates and necessary follow-ups to keep your communication purposeful and professional.

Demonstrating Genuine Interest and Commitment

Not Showing Genuine Interest

A lack of genuine interest can be easily perceived by coaches. Show that you have done your homework about the program and express why you are excited about the opportunity to join their team. Genuine enthusiasm and commitment can make a significant difference in your recruitment journey.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can enhance your communication with college lacrosse coaches and increase your chances of making a positive impression.


Communication with college lacrosse coaches is an about being confident in who you are and being prepared. By taking the time to research potential colleges and coaches, preparing a comprehensive athletic and academic resume, and crafting personalized emails, you can significantly enhance your chances of getting noticed.

Following up appropriately, maintaining professional communication, and preparing thoroughly for phone calls and campus visits will further solidify your standing as a serious and dedicated candidate.

Avoiding common mistakes—such as sending generic emails, being too informal, or failing to follow up—will help you make a strong and positive impression on coaches. Ensuring consistency, accuracy, and professionalism in all your communications demonstrates your commitment and readiness to succeed at the collegiate level.

Remember, the recruitment process is competitive, and persistence is key. By implementing the strategies outlined in this guide and maintaining a proactive and professional approach, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the college lacrosse recruitment journey and achieve your goal of playing at the collegiate level. Good luck!

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