Personal Training Suffolk County Long Island NYCustom Personal Training Programs to Keep You Strong, Fit and Looking Good


Long Island Personal Fitness Trainer


Here at Long Island Sports Training we offer low-high intensity personal training programs to help the residents of Suffolk County, NY reach their fitness goals.

Our personal training programs are designed to improve all aspects of your body including your core, legs, back, butt, shoulders, arms, chest and cardio.

In addition, we offer a strength, cardio and conditioning plan that is designed to get you into tip top shape and to maintain your fitness level throughout the year.

All clients that enroll in any of our personal training programs will receive our  30-day Strength, Cardio and Conditioning Plan. This plan will supplement any personal training and can be used throughout the year. 


Personal Training Services


Have something specific you want improve upon or a fitness goal you are looking to crush?

All of our personal training programs are specifically tailored to you and we can address any area of your body you feel needs the most improvement.

We Provide Private Personal Training Services For The Residents of Suffolk County, NY


Private One-One Personal Training


Our Private One-One Training is flexible and custom tailored to each individual’s fitness goals.  With this flexibility, we can do total body training, targeted area training, functional training, weight loss training, aerobic training etc. based on what you are looking to achieve in your fitness journey. We look to put you on a path to achieve your short term and long term fitness goals while maintaining your functional fitness to tackle your daily life tasks with confidence.


Couples Personal Training

Our Couples Personal Training is a fun and dynamic program designed to keep couples fit, strong and functional. In this moderate-high intensity program we use circuit, interval and strength training to keep you engaged and focused on crushing your fitness goals together.


Event Fitness Training


Our Event Fitness Training program is geared toward fire fighters, police officers or someone looking to prepare for an athletic event. This high intensity total body and aerobic training program will get you prepared to pass your police fitness test or reach your desired fitness level prior to an athletic event.


Wedding Day Fitness Training


Our Wedding Day Fitness Training program is for the bride, groom or anyone in the wedding party that wants to look great in their dress or tuxedo. This moderate-high intensity program focuses on total body training to tighten up your problem areas and shed a few pounds before the big day.


Pre-Birth Fitness Training


Our Pre-Birth Fitness Training program is designed to keep pregnant women fit in the most critical areas to help make giving birth as easy and painless as possible. This low intensity program focuses on leg, back, core and shoulder strength in addition to low impact functional training to help with giving birth and daily tasks while pregnant.


Post-Birth Fitness Training


Our Post-Birth Fitness Training program is designed for new mom’s to start getting their overall strength and aerobic fitness back to per-birth levels. Having a baby can put a lot of strain on a woman’s body so this low-moderate intensity training programs focuses on leg, back and core strength as well as aerobic circuit training to help you lose the baby weight.


Functional Fitness Training


Our Functional Fitness Training program will help you stay fit, strong and able to complete life’s daily tasks. This low-moderate intensity training program focuses on functional strength, core strength, back and leg strength, aerobic fitness and stability so you can tackle what life throws at you.


Dynamic Fitness Training


Our Dynamic Fitness Training program is intense and made to make you break a sweat. We incorporate moderate-high intensity functional, circuit, strength, agility and aerobic training to give you a complete body workout from head to toe.


Staying Fit Over 50 Training Program


This Senior Fitness Training program is designed for those looking to stay in shape, strong and fight off problems like high cholesterol or high blood pressure. This program offers low impact, low-moderate intensity functional, strength and aerobic training to keep you strong, fit and loving life.


Sports Fitness Training Program


In this exciting Sports Fitness Training program we combine fitness training with a sport like soccer or basketball to expand your training options. Besides getting a great workout, you will also have fun improving your ball skills, shooting, speed, agility and dynamic movements.


Personal Training Pricing


All personal training workouts are In-Home or Public Space trainings. An agreed upon training location will be confirmed before the first training.


Private Training


1 Session – $100

6 Sessions – $500 (save $100)

12 Sessions – $1,000 (save $200)


Zoom Training


1 Session – $60

6 Sessions – $300 (save $60)

12 Sessions – $575 ($145)



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Servicing Suffolk County, Long Island NY